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REMPARK - Personal Health Device for the Remote and Autonomous Management of Parkinson's Disease

The specific and ultimate goal of the REMPARK project is to develop a Personal Health System (PHS) with closed loop detection, response and treatment capabilities for management of Parkinson's...

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FATE - Fall Detector for the Elderly

The ultimate goal of FATE - FAll DeTector for the Elderly project is to widely validate an innovative and efficient ICT-based solution focused on improving the elder's quality of life by an...

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E-NOFALLS - European Network for Fall Prevention, Intervention & Security

The main goal of E-NO FALLS thematic network is to integrate and bring together knowledge, experiences and best practices acquired at European and international level in the area of fall...

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EIP - AHA - European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

CETpD is member of the coordination of the Action Action Group A2 on Falls prevention. Our specific goals are:
1. Implement an integrated and person-centred service pathway for fall...

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WIISEL - Wireless Insole for Independent & Safe Elderly Living

The main goal of WIISEL (Wireless Insole for Independent and Safe Elderly Living) is to develop a flexible research tool to collect and analyze gait data from real users and correlate parameters...

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